La Guinée Verte
Association loi 1901
Who are we
All 3 of us have a personal story and, ever since we’ve met, the story began to grow….
Gassimou… Let’s start with him, he is from Bambeto in the Republic of Guinea, he was able to study and come to work in France. Every year, he returns to visit his family back in the village. The feedback he receives is an opportunity to give testimony on the ecological evolution and development of Bambeto. Aware of the reality, the urgency of the situation and the needs, he formulates projects.
Sandra… Globetrotter in the most remote places of the world, in search of unique encounters with humans and cultural change. She is the first to help as soon as she can and with her means in the countries she comes across.
The human and animal cause, famine, women’s rights, environmental protection are many subjects on which she has already given her support to help and unblock certain situations.
It is here that she continues her journey around altruism and ecology.
Laurent… Guinea is a family affair. Laurent’s parents left in 1946 to teach for a few years at the French high school in Conakry (capital of Guinea). The family grew and then returned to France in 1950. Today, by working and especially by exchanging with Mamadou, links with Guinea have returned. Reweaving a thread with the story? Maybe…
For each of us, it is important to complete our work with projects that make even more sense. From the exchanges with Mamadou, an ecological awareness of the ecological situation and the conditions for the development of the village quickly emerged. It seemed useful to us to be able to act at our level today.
Green Guinea is the association we have created for this purpose.
EcoGestes in Bambeto is therefore the first project we are carrying out with the association.

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